Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about Chic Or Shock™


What is Chic or Shock™?

Chic Or Shock is a collaborative decision-making Social Network with emphasis on beauty and fashion dilemmas, opinions, assurances and reactions! With Chic Or Shock you get real personal reactions and opinions on:

  • A dress, shirt or shoes you are about to wear to a wedding.
  • Or that new pair of jeans you want to buy to match your shirt, an outfit you want to wear to a birthday party.
  • Or just getting your curiosity satisfied about a hairdo or a makeup style.
  • Whatever your creativity takes you, the choice is yours!

How do I create a new account?

Sign up with your Apple, Instagram or TikTok account. Currently we don’t allow an email sign up. Note, you must Login using the same account used to Sign-Up (Apple, Instagram or TikTok).

Using Chic Or Shock

How do I invite my friends?

To follow a new user, tap on the username and look for the “Follow” button. Other users can follow you the same way. You’ll be able to manage your following users and followed users from the Following main link.

How do I post a new story?

Tap on the “+” or Add New Post, select the type of story, either a Standard (Chic or Shock) or Compare (This or That) and follow the simple instructions.

How do I edit an existing post?

Tap on your Profile Photo in the bottom navigation to access your Profile Wall. Select the Post you wish to edit and select the "Edit Post" button next to your Post.

Can I extend the time of an existing/expired post?

Yes you can! By editing your Post (see above question), you can extend an existing or expired post anytime you like! Find the "Time Left" section and move the slider to the desired time you wish.

Can I choose other buttons for my post?

The default voting buttons for a Standard Post is “Chic or Shock”, and “This or that” for a Compare Post. However, you can select other button options when you add a new post or edit an existing post.

Customizing the voting buttons

When you add a new post or edit an exisiting post, navigate to Button Style. Tap the buttons to open a dialog box "Choose Your Button Style". From here you can select a different set of voting buttons.

How do I remove my post/story?

To remove your story/post, simply go to Edit Post and tap on the Remove This Post. Your post will be removed permanently from your account and the general feed.

How can I add/find a Friend?

Tap on the Main Menu and tap on "Friends". Tap on "Add New Friend" and search for your Friend's name. Once it appears, select the blue "Add" next to their name to send them a Friend Request.

I sent a Friend's Request, what do I do next?

Wait until your Friend approves your Friend Request. Once they approve it, you will see your Friend in your Friend's List.

My Account & Security

How do I change my username?

Currently it’s not possible to change your username. This is for security reasons.

I signed back in after awhile, what happened to my old account?

Everytime you signup with your Apple, Instagram or TikTok account you create a unique profile for each one. Try to sign up with one that you use most often. Or use the account you signed in previously to gain access to your old account.

My Account is Compromised

If you believe your account has been compromised and can no longer access it, please contact Support immediately.

When reaching out to us, be sure to include as much information about your account, when you lost access, etc. We will request additional information to verify your identity.

My Account is Locked

If your Chic Or Shock account has been locked, that means we've detected some activity from your account that violates our Terms and Conditions.

Temporary Lock Status

If you receive a message saying your Chic Or Shock account has been temporarily locked, you can try logging back in after 24 hours.

Permanent Lock Status

If you receive a message saying your Chic Or Shock account has been permanently locked, you will not be able to log back in. Our support team will also not be able to unlock it for you.

Permanent Lock Status will only occur after repeated Temporary Locked Statuses or severe offensives.

Your account has been locked because it was compromised

If you had your account compromised and was locked, please contact our Support team.

How can I delete my account?

You can delete your account by contacting our Support team requesting an account deletion. Please be advised that this action is irreversible and your account/data cannot be recovered. If you need to take a break, log off for awhile and login whenever your ready to Chic Or Shock!


Report abuse on Chic Or Shock

You can report abuse on Chic Or Shock, including harassment, bullying, or other safety concerns.

Learn how to report content you see on Chic Or Shock, or report a Chic Or Shock account. Together we can keep Chic Or Shock a safe place and a strong community.


Can I post stories to my friends only?

Yes. To add a private post, select the Privacy option when you post a new story. Only your friends can see your private posts.

Can my friends see my public posts?

Friends you’ve added, and who’ve added you back, will see your Story at the top of Stories. If you haven’t added them back, then they’ll find your Story in the Stories feed chronologically.

Can I change my post to private?

You can change your post to Private Only at any time. Tap on Edit Post and change the privacy mode to private only. Your post will be removed from the public feed to friends only.

How do I remove a Friend?

You can remove a Friend from your Friend's List by going to the Main Menu, Friends and searching for the Friend you want to remove. Tap on the red Remove to remove your Friend from your Friend's List.

How do I block a Friend?

To block a Friend, go to their Profile Wall and find the Block link/button. Tap on it to Block them.


Found a bug? Suggestions?

Please send all bugs and suggestions to our Support team! Help us find and fix bugs, tell us what you'd like to see in Chic Or Shock! We'd love to hear from you.